Thursday, July 7, 2016

Tuft and Needle Review

I'm slowly but surely becoming more adult-ish (with the exception of the above photo). When you find yourself looking for a new mattress, you know you've entered adulthood. As someone who can only function after a good night's sleep, I knew I needed a quality mattress! I had no idea how expensive they are though, not to mention how bulky and inconvenient most are. Enter: Tuft and Needle. A twenty-something girl's mattress dream come true! 

First of all, Tuft and Needle is way less costly than traditional mattresses. The price starts at $350 for a surprisingly comfortable twin size! Since I've been sleeping on my queen size T&N, I haven't woken up in the middle of the night at all! I know this sounds like a car salesman commercial, but I actually think this mattress is a game changer. We had been sleeping on a mattress that TJ had since college and had finally molded our bodies into the pillow top to make a great night's sleep. Tuft and Needle blew our perfectly comfy but very old mattress out of the water. Even TJ, who was skeptical at first, enjoyed sleeping on this mattress. The Tuft and Needle mattress is very different than any type of mattress I have had in the past, as it is a foam type material.  It provided support while also being soft and comfortable. 

Aside from it being more affordable, you definitely can't beat the ease and convenience of how compact it is when it arrives to your doorstep! When it arrived inside of the box, I was like, "There is NO way there is a mattress inside of here!". As soon as you take it out of the box, it starts expanding. Colbie thought it was an alien. It was so cool though!

You can watch this snapchat video {shelbslv} of when we first unpacked it:

If you're in the market for a mattress and are not willing to break the bank, I'd highly suggest trying out Tuft and Needle. If you receive it and you find it isn't a good fit for you, they have a 100 day return policy.

I hope this information helps those of you who might be in a similar situation. As always, thanks for reading!

xo, Shelby

While Tuft and Needle did provide the mattress, all opinions are my own. 



  1. This is such a cool concept for a mattress! Love your unboxing video! Just followed you on snap! <3


  2. Love this concept! I am totally needing a new mattress in our guest bedroom. Will definitely check it out! xo, Champagne&Suburbs


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